COVID-19 – Disorientated? – what next?

COVID-19 – Disorientated? – what next?

As each day comes, so more news arrives. We have delayed this newsletter and amended terms on a number of occasions! Rest assured LANACOS has been busy organising, re-arranging and deferring courses so that our present and future language learners know that their...

How to think and act like a life-long language learner.

How can someone learn so many languages and still enjoy the experience into old age? Life-long language learning is not just about process and dedication but also about enjoying life to the full in many different cultural contexts and destinations. Different people’s...
Are you linguistically mobile?

Are you linguistically mobile?

Let the sun rise and set on your own language holiday while you perfect your language skills and have the time of your life. Do something different in 2019 or 2020. LANACOS can guide you through the exclusive options, tailor-make the programme and avoid taking a wrong...
And the winner of the LANACOS Language Prize is …

And the winner of the LANACOS Language Prize is …

Christine Leahy, you win the 2-week Spanish prize in Buenos Aires, Salamanca or Barcelona! Please contact us asap and congratulations; the prize is transferable so if you can’t go, you can give it as a late Christmas present to family or friend. Check to read...